Book Your Massage Therapy Appointment Now
Through the Button below or text 
 (206) 486-0843

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Accept Cash, Credit Cards, HSA Cards, FSA Cards, Apple and Google Pay using Square app. 

No insurances accepted. 

Office Policies

I work by appointment only. Please schedule online using the link above.

All appointments must be paid for in full at the time of service.  I accept all credit cards, Apple Pay, HSA cards and FSA cards. You are responsible for knowing what the benefits are on your HSA and FSA cards.

Late Fees/Cancellations/No shows

As of January 2024, I have dropped my cancellation policy and hope you respect your appointment time. Please let me know as soon as you can if you cannot make your appointment.  

Please arrive a few minutes early. I usually run exactly on time barring unusual circumstances. If you are late for the appointment, the appointment will only go for the allotted time.

If you have any questions about any of these policies or anything regarding your appointment times, please let me know.


Julie Onofrio, LMP

texting is the best way to get in touch:    (206) 486-0843

Serving Downtown Seattle since 1989.

Learn more about me.

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